“In 2018, I went to Missy for help with my severe lower back pain and spasms. Over the years, I had tried everything to manage my chronic pain issues - from deep tissue massage and classic physical therapy to trying to exercise it away - all with no long term benefit. Missy quickly realized the severity of my situation and she and the NVLife team started the hands-on work on my whole body to get my neurovascular system functioning again. I started the whole NVLife regime - joint mobility exercise and airbells, bathing and drinking the minerals and tonics. It took a few months before I could start to sense a difference - but gradually I could feel my circulation, coordination and reflexes improve and the pain in my lower back and neck reduce dramatically. I was able to start the full Kettlebell exercise regime with Missy soon after, and am stronger than I have ever been. And talk about results! In 2021, bone density scans showed that I had osteoporosis. A year later, my most recent scan indicated a large gain in bone density. I am no longer osteoporetic! This improvement occurred less than one year after starting Missy's airbell/kettlebell exercise plan. There is still work to be done, and I continue with the program and notice improvements now almost daily. I have Missy and the team at NVLife to thank and would recommend the NVLife program to anyone who wants to feel better, move better and look better. And who doesn't want that?”


“Prior to starting NVLife I was suffering from terrible panic attacks and severe back and leg pain.  I could not function without taking Ativan and it was basically affecting every aspect of my life.   I was always in a state of anxiety.

I tried therapy, medication, acupuncture, massage and yoga for years. But nothing had lasting effects.

Working with NVLife has totally changed my perspective on my body and how it works. I learned about how scar tissue is formed and what happens to your body chemically when it is riddled with scar tissue.  I learned what kinds of activities promote building scar tissue and why. Things once thought were beneficial were actually causing a downward spiral in my over-all physiological balance.  I started to understand how things work inside my body.

Changes in my anxiety were noticeable right away and just continued to get better over time.  Physical changes took longer.  Pain definitely eased right away and by following the program my entire body changed over the course of months and years.

My quality of life is so much better.  I have much less anxiety and much less pain I was a huge yoga and gym person and that has totally changed.  I thought I would get fat but doing kettle bells and walking has changed my body in such great ways.  My muscles are longer, and my postural alignment is significantly better.  I don’t spend 3 hours a day traveling and taking classes.  A half hour kettle bell routine done at home does the trick!”


“When I first started doing kettlebells with Missy, I had been going to the chiropractor regularly for a couple of years.  I called them “sleep injuries”, no big problems but little tweaks here and there on a regular basis.  After doing kettlebells, I realized that I haven’t needed to go the chiropractor! I am stronger and more balanced than I had ever been in my life, and that continues to improve right up to today!  I feel strong, present, resilient, and more capable physically than I ever had before I started doing NVLife. I am amazed and delighted by my own strength and grateful for this essential guidance in aging gracefully!!”


”I had been doing the very “in” pole-dancing workout and fell and hurt my back.  I started NVLife and it helped me recover almost right away. I am so much better now.

I’ve learned so much about how my body works using NVLife! I think my biggest new perspective is how important strength is and that building long lean muscle has helped with my energy level, posture, sleep, metabolism, immunity and overall health. 

The body work resulted in an immediate change where my shoulders could finally relax, and I’d feel an inch taller. The workout, too, was also almost immediate. I started building muscle from the first workout, and I remember feeling like my body would continue to burn calories for the entire day after just a half-hour class.  

As far as an impact, I remember being so happy to have the strength and energy to carry and play with my daughter when she was a baby/toddler. But selfishly, I know I Iook and feel great, especially for my age, and it's very much thanks to NVLife. II’ve gotten carded a few times this year, which is always fun!

Also, I now drink way more water than ever before because it tastes so much better with the minerals!”